Weather App | Vue
A responsive Weather Application developed as a demonstration project. This application is optimized for both desktop and mobile browsers, offering a seamless user experience with valuable functionalities. The project is built using Vue.js for the frontend and integrates weather data from the OpenWeather API.
Live Demo
Automatically fetch and display weather data for the user’s current location using the Geolocation API. -
Location Search
Search for weather information by entering a location name (e.g., London, Mumbai, New York). This feature utilizes Forward Geocoding to convert the location name into geographic coordinates. -
Unit Conversion
Toggle between Celsius (°C) and Fahrenheit (°F) temperature units by clicking on the displayed temperature.
Technology Stack
- Vue.js - Progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces.
- Axios - Promise-based HTTP client for making API requests.
- Moment.js - Library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates.
- Vuex - State management pattern + library for Vue.js, with local storage persistence.
- SCSS with BEM Methodology - CSS preprocessor with BEM naming convention for organized and maintainable styles.
- AWS S3 - Static website hosting for serving the application.
- AWS CloudFront - CDN for optimized content delivery with caching mechanisms.
- AWS CodePipeline - Continuous integration and deployment pipeline to automate the deployment process.
- AWS CodeBuild - Automated build service to compile the Vue project and deploy it to the S3 bucket.
Project Setup (Local Development)
- Install Dependencies
npm install
- Run the Development Server
npm run serve
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.